Send of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in Blood and Tissue Fluids

John E. Hall PhD , in Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology , 2021

Increased Commitment of Oxygen to Tissues When COtwo and H+ Shift the Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve—the Bohr Effect

A shift of the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right in response to increases in blood COtwo and H+ levels has a significant outcome by enhancing the release of O2 from the blood in the tissues and enhancing oxygenation of the blood in the lungs. This is called the Bohr effect , which can be explained as follows. Equally the blood passes through the tissues, CO2 diffuses from tissue cells into the blood. This diffusion increases the blood Pco ii, which in plow raises blood HiiCO3 (carbonic acid) and H+ concentration. These effects shift the O2-hemoglobin dissociation bend to the correct and downwardly, as shown inEffigy 41-10, forcing O2 abroad from the hemoglobin and therefore delivering increased amounts of O2 to the tissues.

Exactly the opposite effects occur in the lungs, where COtwo diffuses from the blood into alveoli. This diffusion reduces claret Pco two and H+ concentration, shifting the O2-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left and up. Therefore, the quantity of Otwo that binds with the hemoglobin at any given alveolar Po 2 becomes considerably increased, thus assuasive greater O2 send to the tissues.

Send AND EXCHANGE OF RESPIRATORY GASES IN THE Claret | Evolution of the Bohr Effect

M. Berenbrink , in Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, 2011


The Bohr effect refers to the property of vertebrate hemoglobins (Hbs) whereby changes in pH affect the Hb- oxygen (O 2) analogousness, supporting loading (in the lungs/gills) and unloading (in the tissues) of O2 from Hb. The molecular mechanisms propose that it evolved three times independently. The Bohr effect is weak in hagfishes and elasmobranchs, moderate in mammals, but peculiarly strong in lampreys and teleost fishes. The development of a large Bohr effect in teleost fishes, likely about 250 meg years ago, was accompanied by a reduction in Hb proton buffering forcefulness, allowing relative small blood acid loads to elicit big changes in Hb Oii saturation.

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Normal and Abnormal Hemoglobins

Stuart H. Orkin Medico , in Nathan and Oski's Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood , 2015

Carbon Dioxide Transport and the Bohr Event

In 1904 the physiologist Christian Bohr showed that CO2 reduced the O2 affinity of Hb. 56 Inside RBCs, carbonic anhydrase converts dissolved CO2 to carbonic acrid, which dissociates to bicarbonate and H+ (i.e., CO2 + H2O ⇌ H2CO3 ⇌ HCO3 + H+). Upon conversion from the R to the T state, ionizable chemic groups within Hb demark H+ ion. Hence increasing [H+] or decreasing pH shifts equilibrium in favor of the low-affinity T state. The decreased Otwo affinity as pH changes from about seven.4 in the lungs to 7.two or less in tissue capillary beds is known as thealkaline (orphysiological) Bohr effect. Beneath pH 6.0, the affinity for Oii increases again. This is called theacid Bohr effect, which does not occur in vivo. The physiologic importance of the Bohr issue is that increased pCOii (acidification) occurs at sites of high metabolic activity, promoting Otwo release from Hb where it is most required. For example, pCOtwo rises from approximately 35 torr in lung alveoli to well-nigh 50 torr in exercising muscles, causing the pH of blood to fall from about vii.four to 7.2 or lower. This translates into a right-shifted Oii saturation bend (seeFig. 19-13) with a 25% increase in the Pfifty for O2 by the alkaline metal Bohr effect (∂ logP50/∂ pH = −0.5 in 0.1 Thou Cl, pH 7.4). 71

Hb facilitates the transport and disposal of CO2 in several means. Every bit Otwo is released in actively respiring tissue capillaries, T-land Hb takes up H+, which promotes conversion of more CO2 to bicarbonate via deprotonation of carbonic acid in scarlet cells, thereby increasing the COii carrying capacity of blood. Approximately 70% to eighty% of COtwo ship occurs as bicarbonate. In the lungs, the formation of R-state Hb releases spring H+, converting bicarbonate dorsum to carbonic acid and CO2, which exchanges with air in the alveoli. An additional 15% to xx% of CO2 is carried as carbamino-Hb, which is formed by reaction of CO2 with the last amine groups of α and β chains (CO2 + Hb-NH2 ⇌ Hb-NH-COO + H+). 116-118 Finally, most 7% of CO2 gas is simply dissolved in the blood.

The Bohr upshot is largely attributed to germination of specific table salt bridges involving chemical groups that can demark and release H+ in response to physiological changes in pH. His residues have basic side bondage with pKa of about vi.5, meaning that they tin adopt different charge states in the physiological pH range, depending on their chemical environment. In the equilibrium His+-to-His + H+ reaction, equal amounts of the charged and neutral His side chains are present when pH equals pKa. When pH is greater than pKa, the neutral state predominates, and when pH is less than pKa, the positively charged state predominates. A primal bespeak is that local electrostatic interactions take a significant effect on the pKa value. Table salt bridges in the T or low-affinity quaternary conformation stabilize the charged His+ side concatenation, increasing its pKa. In other words, the affinity of these His side chains for H+ is higher in the T state compared with the R land (the necessary status for an allosteric effector). And so these common salt bridges are broken during the transition to the R state when Oii binds, causing a subtract on pKa and loss of the His protons.

Ship AND Exchange OF RESPIRATORY GASES IN THE Claret | Gas Transport and Commutation: Interaction Between O2 and CO2 Commutation

C.J. Brauner , J.50. Rummer , in Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, 2011

Theoretical Bohr–Haldane Coefficient Optimal for Oxygen Delivery

The potential do good to tissue-Otwo delivery associated with the Bohr result is quantified as the production of the pH change associated with metabolic CO 2 production during claret transit through a tissue (arterial–venous pH change (pHa–v)) and the magnitude of the Bohr–Haldane coefficient. A large Bohr effect is often assumed to convey a greater benefit to tissue O2 delivery, but this will only be true if the pH change described higher up is sufficient. Associated with a large Bohr effect is a large Haldane upshot; therefore, upon deoxygenation, Hb will bind H+'s, thereby reducing the magnitude of the pHa–v and consequently the expression of the Bohr effect at the tissues. In 1983, Lapennas conducted an analysis to determine the optimal Bohr coefficient for O2 delivery under steady-land weather condition. Bold that the pHa–v arises from tissue CO2 production (and associated conversion to HCO3 and H+) and that most animals have a tissue respiratory quotient (RQ) between 0.vii and 1.0 (moles of CO2 produced per mole of O2 consumed; see also TISSUE RESPIRATION | Cellular Respiration), a Bohr–Haldane coefficient of 0 will result in the largest pH change within the tissues. This would be due to the absent-minded Haldane issue and associated H+ binding upon deoxygenation, but would accept no upshot on O2 delivery due to the lack of pH sensitivity of the Hb (i.e., no Bohr effect). Conversely, a Bohr–Haldane coefficient equivalent to the RQ (e.thou., 1.0) will result in no pH modify due to the increased H+ binding associated with the big Haldane effect. That is, all protons produced by COii production at the tissues will exist bound past Hb as Otwo is released to the tissues, and, despite the presence of a pH-sensitive Hb with a large Bohr effect, there may be no benefit to O2 delivery due to the lack of pHa–five. Furthermore, a Bohr–Haldane coefficient greater than RQ may upshot in a opposite pHa–v, during blood transit, which really could impair tissue-O2 commitment.

Lapennas adamant that the optimal Bohr coefficient for O2 delivery under steady-land weather (and with many assumptions) is 0.5   ×   RQ. This represents a compromise betwixt pH sensitivity of the Hb and the resulting pH change that occurs during capillary claret transit. Because many air-breathing vertebrates have Bohr–Haldane coefficients of 0.35 (which is very close to optimal if RQ is assumed to be 0.7), he concluded that their Hbs accept been optimized for Otwo delivery ( Figure 1 ). Given that most teleost fish possess Bohr–Haldane coefficients much greater than 0.five   ×   RQ (see also TRANSPORT AND EXCHANGE OF RESPIRATORY GASES IN THE Claret | Evolution of the Bohr Effect), it has been causeless that, under steady-land weather in most tissues, fish Hbs may exist optimized for COtwo ship and acid–base homeostasis rather than tissue-Oii delivery. This clearly does not apply to the unique structures within the swimbladder and eye, where at that place exists a tremendous potential for generating and localizing an acidosis, which in conjunction with the Root upshot and associated large Bohr–Haldane coefficients generates incredibly loftier O2 tensions (run into also TRANSPORT AND EXCHANGE OF RESPIRATORY GASES IN THE Claret | Root Effect: Molecular Basis, Evolution of the Root Outcome and Rete Systems and Transport AND EXCHANGE OF RESPIRATORY GASES IN THE BLOOD | Root Event: Root Effect Definition, Functional Function in Oxygen Delivery to the Centre and Swimbladder). Still, in other tissues, given Lapennas' assumptions, a very large Bohr–Haldane coefficient would not do good tissue-oxygen delivery. Despite Lapennas' many assumptions, his analyses serve as an interesting framework for hypothesizing how different Bohr–Haldane coefficients within and between species may influence the interaction between O2 and CO2 exchange in vivo.

Figure one. The optimal Bohr–Haldane coefficient: theoretical Bohr shifts, equally described by a change in P 50 (Δlog P 50) during blood capillary transit using two respiratory quotients (RQs). Units accept been omitted intentionally from the y-axis, because the magnitude of this response volition vary by species, depending on Hb buffer values. A and B indicate Bohr–Haldane coefficients optimal for O2 commitment for RQ values of 0.7 and 1.0, respectively. Each bend crosses the x-centrality at both zero and the RQ, two points at which Lapennas suggests there will exist no benefit to O2 delivery associated with the Bohr–Haldane effect.

Modified from Lapennas GN (1983) The magnitude of the Bohr coefficient: Optimal for oxygen delivery. Respiration Physiology 54(2): 161–172.

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Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport

Michelle M. Cloutier Doc , in Respiratory Physiology , 2019

The Bohr Effect

Changes in blood pH also shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. A decrease in pH shifts the curve to the correct (enhancing Otwo dissociation); conversely, an increase in pH shifts the curve to the left (increasing O2 affinity). During cellular metabolism, CO2 is produced and released into the blood, resulting in the increased generation of hydrogen ions and a subtract in pH. This results in a shift of the dissociation curve to the right, which has a beneficial result past aiding in the release (dissociation of Oii from Hgb) and improvidence of Otwo into the tissue and cells. The shift to the correct appears to be not simply due to the decrease in pH but also a direct effect of COii on hemoglobin. Conversely, as claret passes through the lungs, CO2 is exhaled, resulting in a decrease in hydrogen ion content and an increase in pH, which results in a shift to the left in the dissociation curve. The higher hemoglobin analogousness for Oii enhances the bounden of Otwo to hemoglobin. This effect of CO2 on the analogousness of hemoglobin for oxygen is known as the Bohr outcome (named after the Danish physiologist, Christian Bohr). The Bohr consequence is due in part to the change in pH that occurs as COii increases and in part to the directly effect of CO2 on hemoglobin. The Bohr upshot enhances O2 delivery to the tissue and O2 uptake in the lungs (Fig. 8.13).

Hydrogen ion homoeostasis and tissue oxygenation and their disorders

William J. Marshall , in Clinical Biochemistry: Metabolic and Clinical Aspects (Third Edition), 2014

Oxygen delivery to tissues

Acidosis causes a right shift in the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve (the Bohr effect, see p. 90) and this facilitates oxygen delivery to tissues. An increase in hydrogen ion concentration decreases erythrocyte 2,three-diphosphoglycerate (two,3-DPG) concentrations through effects on both synthesis and breakdown; this causes a left shift in the bend, but, whereas the Bohr upshot is immediate, the fall in two,3-DPG takes place over a matter of hours. The reverse is as well true; so, if hydrogen ion concentration is restored to normal rapidly, oxygen delivery will be compromised until ii,iii-DPG concentrations are restored to normal. This is a potential adventure if an attempt is made to right an acidosis chop-chop by the intravenous infusion of bicarbonate.

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Gas Transport and Commutation: Interaction Betwixt O2 and CO2 Commutation☆

C.J. Brauner , ... J.50. Rummer , in Reference Module in Life Sciences, 2017

Basis for the Interaction Between O2 and CO2: Bohr–Haldane Effect

The interaction between O2 and CO2 exchange is largely adamant past the Bohr and Haldane furnishings, as discussed above; yet, their corresponding magnitudes are important in determining the nature of the interaction. The Bohr outcome describes how the affinity of Hb for O 2 is affected for a given change in the H+ concentration (pH) of the blood. It is calculated as follows:

[1] Bohr coefficient = Δ log P 50 / Δ pH

where P 50 refers to the fractional pressure level of Otwo ( P O 2 ) at which fifty% of the Hb molecules are oxygenated.

The Haldane effect describes how the affinity of Hb for H+ and CO2 is affected by changes in Hb-O2 saturation. It is calculated equally follows:

[2] Haldane coefficient = Δ H +

where ΔH+ refers to the moles of H+ released per mole of O2 bound to Hb.

Although the Bohr and Haldane effects are often discussed in terms of their corresponding roles relative to O2 and COii dynamics at the level of the Hb, they are really mirror images of the aforementioned phenomenon. While the Bohr effect describes changes in Hb-O2 affinity that arise from a change in H+ concentration, the Haldane effect describes the changes in Hb–H+ affinity that arise from a change in P O 2 , and therefore Hb-O2 saturation. Thus, the Bohr and Haldane effects are linked functions, equally has been recognized by the classic Wyman linkage equation:

[3] ( log P O ii / pH ) Y = ( H + / Y ) pH

where Y refers to Hb-Otwo saturation and H+ refers to the number of H+ leap per heme molecule. Bold that the shape of the OEC is symmetrical and H+ release is linear as Hb binds O2, which is often the case in vertebrates (only non e'er, as described below in section Nonlinear Bohr–Haldane Effect), the linkage equation is often reduced to the following:

[iv] Δ log P l / Δ pH = Δ H +

Thus, the Bohr and Haldane coefficients are numerically equivalent and will be referred to equally the Bohr–Haldane coefficient and reported equally a positive value from this point forwards. It is of import to note that this relationship has been experimentally validated as well. Air-breathing animals typically take moderate Bohr–Haldane coefficients (ie, 0.35), while near teleosts have relatively big Bohr–Haldane coefficients (0.5–>one.0). The numeric value has large implications for the nature of the interaction between O2 and CO2 substitution in vivo, equally described in the following section.

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Ship AND EXCHANGE OF RESPIRATORY GASES IN THE BLOOD | Hemoglobin Differentiation in Fishes

C. Verde , ... G. di Prisco , in Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, 2011

The Bohr and the Root Effects

A decrease in Oii affinity at lower physiological pH values is known as the alkali metal Bohr issue. Decreasing the pH of blood therefore releases O 2 from hemoglobin. The acid Bohr upshot, that is, an increase of O2 affinity upon further pH decrease, may occur at pH lower than 6.0.

The physiological relevance of the Bohr issue is clear when one considers that highly agile tissues release acidic metabolites (carbon dioxide and H+). This release enhances O2 unloading at tissues. Physiological concentrations of organic phosphates in RBCs increase the Bohr effect. The magnitude of the Bohr result may vary amongst vertebrate classes. In fish, it is generally low in elasmobranchs and high in teleosts.

The Root effect corresponds to extreme pH sensitivity. In Root-effect hemoglobins, when the pH is lowered, the Oii affinity decreases to such an extent that hemoglobins cannot be fully saturated even at very high O2 pressure and the cooperativity is totally lost ( Figure 5 ). The Root issue is almost exclusively present in teleosts.

Effigy five. Presence and absence of the Root event in hemoglobins of the Antarctic fish Cottoperca gobio and Gymnodraco acuticeps. Presence and absence of swimbladder and choroid rete are indicated. The Otwo saturation (expressed equally percentage of oxygenation) is reported as a function of pH.

The Root outcome dictates to what extent the O2 tension tin can be raised in an acid-producing tissue. Thus, its physiological part is to secrete O2 confronting loftier gas pressures into the swimbladder, the poorly vascularized retina and possibly skeletal muscle as a result of local claret acidification. A countercurrent capillary organisation can amplify this effect in the swimbladder and middle. The swimbladder and the retina possess a specialized acid-producing tissue associated with the countercurrent capillary system, the rete mirabile (known as choroid rete in the middle). Among nonteleosts, the choroid rete is present only in Amia and evolved just once in fishes, in the clade comprising Amia and Teleostei. The choroid rete is well developed in the basal families of the dominant Antarctic perciform suborder Notothenioidei. In Antarctic fish families, many species have lost the rete, and the discovery of reduced and microscopic retia suggests that this loss may occur gradually. Nevertheless, in notothenioids, the few species possessing hemoglobins without Root result, besides as hemoglobin-less Channichthyidae, also lack the choroid rete.

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TRANSPORT AND EXCHANGE OF RESPIRATORY GASES IN THE BLOOD | Root Issue: Molecular Basis, Evolution of the Root Effect and Rete Systems

One thousand. Berenbrink , in Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, 2011

The Root Result is Merely Loosely Defined

There are no strictly defined and commonly accepted criteria for distinguishing whether blood of a given species has a big Bohr outcome or rather a small Root effect. Theoretically, all claret or Hb O 2-bounden curves only asymptotically arroyo, but never reach, 100% saturation, even in the case of a Bohr effect. Only few Hbs take been tested for pH-sensitive O2 binding at P O2 values college than 1   atm of pure O2, and it is difficult to predict whether close to 100% O2 saturation will, or volition not be reached at loftier-enough P O2 values based on extrapolation of data obtained at low P Otwo .

The pH-induced subtract in the cooperativity of O2 bounden is of not bad general interest for understanding poly peptide function, but this criterion for the Root issue is rarely used by whole organism biologists. For practical reasons, the presence of a Root consequence is commonly accustomed by respiratory physiologists and biochemists akin, when blood or Hb O2 saturation under air-equilibration (P Otwo ∼ 150   mmHg) and at loftier pH, which is often taken every bit the maximal Oii-bounden chapters, is considerably reduced past low pH. 'Considerably' is again not divers, but in this context could mean more than in humans where low pH under these weather causes a subtract in O2 saturation to approximately 95%.

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